Frequently Asked Questions

A. Our company offers three types of kakishibu, namely, old kakishibu, mild kakishibu, and odorless kakishibu. While the effects of these three types are the same, the colors of mild and odorless types seem to be lighter at the beginning than the old type when applied to coating or dyeing.

A. Our company’s kakishibu contains no water or additives. Since it could turn into a gel due to its high concentration, if you do not plan to use up leftover kakishibu in two months, store it in a cool dark place after diluting it with two parts water. Please note that the use of a small container may accelerate gelatinization.

A. It is the nature of kakishibu to turn into a gel when stored for a long period of time. if it is in the form of a loose jelly, you can turn it into a liquid by boiling it with two parts of water. When doing so, do not use an iron pan, but use a ceramic or stainless-steel pan. Kakishibu reacts to iron, leading to discoloring. Please note that the epidermis and sediments do not become liquid. When using the liquefied kakishibu, please filter the supernatant fluid before use.

A. Please contact us via phone or email (click the Contact Us link on our website and use the form provided). We can give you some advice.